
We have many types of creators in our agency that is ready to help in our strategy of marketing through every platform, in order for your business to reach more customers. With the communities created by our creators, it will create a great awareness to send your product out into their spaces to create conversions.

We have many types of creators in our agency that is ready to help in our strategy of marketing through every platform, in order for your business to reach more customers. With the communities created by our creators, it will create a great awareness to send your product out into their spaces to create conversions.

300 Creators
Men 67%
Women 29%
Non-Binary 4%

50 Influencers
Men 59%
Women 35%
Non-Binary 6%

Variety of Game Genres
MOBA 27%
Role play 20%
Battle Royale 22%
FPS 10%
Open world 3%

Variety of Video Contents
Gaming 65%
Variety 8%
Cosplay 4%
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Magic Box Digital, a leading Digital Marketing Agency with a new solution to change your experience on marketing.
- 065 896 9541
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Magic Box Digital, a leading Digital Marketing Agency with a new solution to change your experience on marketing.